No Therapeutic Claims
Anyone else notice the glaring glut of TV commercials of herbal supplements - you know, the ones that claims to prevent diabetes, liver diseases, cancer, etc.?
It seems the manufacturers are successful in convincing TV viewers that lately, there appears to be even more herbal stuff being promoted on TV. I don't think it is any coincidence these commercials appear on shows whose target viewers are the oftentimes less educated masses. Worse some of the commercials are edited to make them appear as if they are part of the show, with the spokesperson being an emcee of the show in which the commercial appears.
But what takes the case is that after boasting repeatedly all the therapeutic claims a product has, including testimonies from alleged actual users, the commercial would end with a "NO THERAPEUTIC CLAIMS" disclaimer.
Obviously the manufacturers must think the pinoy TV viewer is stupid. But you know what? Apparently they are right. Because it seems they, the so-called herbal supplement makers, are laughing all the way to the bank.
So what does this say about the pinoy TV viewer?
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