I just want to share with you what I read in the Inquirer today in Mon Tulfo's On Target column -
"...You want to know how hypocritical some Pinoys have become?
You see them take Holy Communion every Sunday (or every day); you hear them utter “Praise God” in conversations with friends.
But they treat their pets much better than they treat their househelp, office employees, or subordinates.
They don’t pay their subordinates the right amount or don’t pay them at all.
If they’re public officials, they rob their constituents blind..."
It is one reason why I am so turned off about going to Mass. Try attending a mid-morning or early evening service. You are bound to see girls in sexy attire in their flirtatious best (or is it worst?) looking for potential prey. And vice-versa.
Outside, you will also see drivers cutting each other off just to get a parking space near the church. After the service, they scramble after each other to get out faster.
And don't get me started about chapels in shopping malls. How can one possibly be in the right spiritual mood amidst all the commercialism and materialism? It is like placing a clean white hankie in a pool of mud and expecting the hankie to remain clean. A trip down an isolated beach or up a mountainside would do a much better job for a silent moment with God.
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